Silent Hill 2 remake: How to get and swap to the Chainsaw 

A guide on how to get the chainsaw in Silent Hill 2 New Game Plus and how to equip the chainsaw in Silent Hill 2 after certain cutscenes.

If you’re looking to get the most out of your New Game+ run in Silent Hill 2 remake, chances are you’ll want the Chainsaw – a powerful melee weapon that makes quick work of monsters. The initial problem with the Chainsaw is that it automatically gets swapped out for the much weaker Wooden Plank early into the game. Here’s how to get the Chainsaw and how to switch to it whenever you wish: 

Where is the Chainsaw? 

Silent Hill 2 chainsaw location

The Chainsaw can be found embedded in a log near the Silent Hill Ranch at the start of a New Game+ run. As you pass the abandoned ranch, you’ll hear a telltale revving that isn’t present in a normal run. Interacting with the Chainsaw adds it to your Equipment and gives you the edge over most of the Silent Hill 2 remake’s monsters . 

Unfortunately, the Chainsaw gets swapped out when James Sunderland encounters his first Lying Figure. To keep continuity with the cutscene, James is automatically equipped with the Wooden Plank he pries from a house window.  

Swapping to the Chainsaw is as easy as checking your Equipment 

Silent Hill 2 chainsaw in inventory

Thankfully, the Chainsaw didn’t just magically disappear. Opening your Equipment menu in the Inventory screen will reveal that James tucked it away in one of his jacket’s bottomless pockets. You can equip the Chainsaw from this menu, restoring the overpowered melee weapon into James’s hands. 

It should be noted that James will also automatically swap to the Steel Pipe once he obtains it later in the story. As with the Wooden Plank, you’ll find your Chainsaw tucked away in your Equipment menu, ready to be equipped again. 

Silent Hill 2 remake James using the chainsaw

The Chainsaw’s power makes it optimal for speedruns, getting the “As Close As You Like” achievement, and relieving a lot of the stress that you would typically feel in the game. It doesn’t use any ammunition either, which is great for those who want to explore Silent Hill at their leisure.  

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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