Helldivers 2: How to defeat Spore Chargers 

Beefing up the Terminid faction’s ranks in Helldivers 2’s Escalation of Freedom update is the Spore Charger – a unique take on the normal Charger that creates a vision-blocking fog in its immediate vicinity. Those unaware of the creature’s presence can easily find themselves getting charged from out of nowhere, but thankfully, this version of the Charger is much easier to take out than it initially seems. 

Helldivers 2 Spore Chargers

Be on the lookout for green fog and glowing green spores 

The fastest way to spot a Spore Charger isn’t from its in-game model, but rather from the vision-obscuring green fog that it emanates. Much like the yellow fog that comes from Spore Spewers, the Spore Charger’s green fog makes it difficult to navigate the terrain, and more importantly, find the giant armored Terminid that will inevitably be charging at you. 

Thankfully, locating the Spore Charger in the fog is made somewhat easier thanks to the glowing spores located underneath its armored shell. These spores can also be shot at with conventional weaponry, though it will take some time to whittle down the Spore Charger’s large health pool. 

Helldivers 2 Spore Chargers

Anti-tank weapons and stratagems are still the best ways to defeat this Charger 

Instead of wasting your regular weapons’ precious ammunition, the best way to take out a Spore Charger is to treat it like a regular Charger. Anti-tank weapons and stratagems like the EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank, Orbital Precision Strike, and MLS-4X Commando can defeat a Spore Charger quickly; thereby dissipating the green fog it emanates. Be aware that killing a Spore Charger with explosive ordinance causes it to release acid that damages and slows Helldivers caught in the blast. Be sure that you and your teammates are nowhere near a Spore Charger’s acid blast as it can quickly snowball into unplanned ambushes and deaths. 

While it may seem intimidating at first, the Spore Charger is easier to deal with once you get a bead on its location. Its health isn’t as high as that of a Behemoth Charger and its spore-filled underbelly can be shot even without anti-tank weapons or stratagems. It can still pose a threat in a crowd of enemies, so be sure to take out the Spore Charger to get a lay of the battlefield as soon as possible. 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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