With his weapon-laden trench coat, overstuffed backpack, and grave voice, the Merchant has been providing weapons and tools for Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy since 2005. Despite all his hard work, however, this character has only been in one mainline Resident Evil title. So just how likely is it that this weapons peddler will reappear in a future Resident Evil game?

The Merchant only makes appearances in Resident Evil 4 and its remake
Not counting his appearances in spin-offs like the mobile game Teppen and the Resident Evil: Resistance multiplayer game, the Merchant’s sole role is to provide Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong with weapons and tools in Resident Evil 4 (and its remake). Much like Ashley Graham, the Merchant seems to have been created to make the main protagonists look cooler when compared to their contemporaries.
But because of his memorable lines and unique appearance, the Merchant has become an iconic Resident Evil character while only putting in a fraction of the work that mainstays like Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield have. His popularity transcends the franchise to the point that he has been referenced (usually through his voice lines) in games like Bayonetta, Borderlands 2, and Nier: Automata.

The Resident Evil has one important reference to the Merchant outside of Resident Evil 4
Within the Resident Evil franchise, the Merchant’s character has only been referenced once by The Duke in Resident Evil Village. As a fellow salesman and confidant, The Duke will sometimes say, “What’re ya buyin’?” before mentioning that this was something an old friend used to say to his customers.
While the Merchant’s fate during the events of Resident Evil Village is unknown (his occasional invincibility in Resident Evil 4 points towards him being alive), there is a chance that he could return in a future Resident Evil title. Seeing as Leon and Ada are still alive and kicking, he could bump into them for a surprise reunion.
The Merchant’s popularity also cannot be understated, as Capcom knows how popular the NPC is. Resident Evil protagonists always need gear, and who better to provide it to them than a hooded stranger who can easily be mistaken for an enemy?