One of the NPCs accompanying you on your Monster Hunter Wilds journey is your handler, Alma. Much like The Handler in Monster Hunter World, Alma’s main purpose is to provide you with quests, hunts, and to make you look cool. But Alma also has a few tricks up her sleeve that make players warm up to her faster.

Alma can be called from just about anywhere
Unlike the Handler in Monster Hunter World, who can only be interacted with in camps and bases, Monster Hunter Wilds’ Alma can be called upon from almost anywhere. This is made possible by her Seikret wyvern, which she uses to follow you on your adventures. Whenever you’re in the mood for a hunt or quest by yourself or with friends, you need but turn to your nearby handler to start one.

Alma gives you information on things you might have overlooked
Alma isn’t a silent companion either, as she provides you with vital information regarding your current situation. She will call out broken monster parts before you leave an area, point out enemy vulnerabilities, and notify you of newly stocked items in your Seikret Pouch, just to name a few. Even seasoned hunters will appreciate Alma’s tips, as she gives them when needed without being too intrusive (unlike the Handler in Monster Hunter World, who never seems to stop talking).

Alma doesn’t take the credit for herself
One of the things Monster Hunter World players found annoying about the game’s Handler is how often she would include herself in their accomplishments. She would say things like “We did it!” (referring to herself and the player) instead of praising the player and their fellow hunters for successfully killing or capturing a monster. When she isn’t stealing the glory, the Handler can be found vigorously eating and cooking at a canteen or a camp.
Alma does no such things in the Monster Hunter Wilds beta; she doesn’t even cook for the player. Instead, she supports the players and their Palicoes from the sidelines with information and items that magically get stocked into your Seikret Pouch. Once a monster has been successfully hunted, she hops off her Seikret and begins examining the creature and collecting data. She continues studying in the base and camps, pausing momentarily only to rest her eyes.
While both Monter Hunter World’s Handler and Alma share a love for knowledge, their quirks and approaches to helping their hunters are different. The Handler is extremely enthusiastic and eager to help but isn’t that useful on the field. Alma, on the other hand, is more reserved, but provides essential information and items to players. Alma will undoubtedly play a bigger role in Monster Hunter Wilds’ story but based on the massively populated beta, she already looks to be a welcome change over the Handler.