Grasshopper Manufacture and NetEase games released Shadow of the Damned: Hella Remastered on October 31. On the day before launch, Suda 51, CEO of Grasshopper Manufacture, shared an “awesome review” of the game with his fans on X.
But there’s a catch – the media review Suda shares is far from a positive one. It’s scalding headline reads, “Shadows of the Damned Hella Remastered review – should have stayed dead,” and it rates the game 3 out of 10, offering some harshly worded criticism. Commenting on the review, Suda jokes, “Do I care about Metacritic scores? Of course I do. PCGamesN just gave us an awesome review, be sure to check it out!”
Last month, Suda 51 made headlines with his statement about the game industry being too preoccupied with Metacritic scores, but his tongue-in-cheek post about Shadows of the Damned really drives his point home. The developer believes that companies have started following formulas that will give them high review scores when making games, and he strives not to do the same. “What’s important to us is putting the games out that we want to put out and having people playing the games we want them to be able to play,” he said for GamesIndustryBiz.
In other words, Grasshopper Manufacture know what games they want to make, and they know their audience, which is probably why Suda can afford to be so unbothered by negative reviews.

Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered is available for the PC (Steam), PS4/PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One/Xbox Series X❘S.