Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to survive the first Pyramid Head encounter 

After solving the clock puzzle in the Otherworld version of Blue Creek Apartments, you will come face-to-face with the… erm, face of the Silent Hill 2 remake: the Pyramid Head. This lugging horror blocks your path out of the apartments and back to the Fog World. Fighting a Pyramid Head so early into the game may seem like a daunting task, but this first battle is actually a timed encounter. 

The first Pyramid Head fight is a test of patience 

Like in the original game, an invisible timer starts once the Pyramid Head encounter begins. The Pyramid Head will automatically leave after about three minutes, but dealing damage causes the timer to move faster. Depending on how many resources you have, you can either avoid combat or attack him with your Handgun and Wooden Plank. 

No matter the decision, dodging Pyramid Head is a must 

The Pyramid Head solely deals melee damage, either with his Great Knife or his left hand. The Great Knife moves are the easiest to spot, as the Pyramid Head has a lengthy wind-up before a horizontal or vertical strike. He will sometimes chain these attacks together, so be wary of any follow-ups. Thankfully, the invincibility frames of James’ dodge move will allow you to avoid taking damage no matter which direction you dodge in. 

When he isn’t going at you with his iconic weapon, the Pyramid will attempt some cheeky grabs and hand strikes. With the exception of the hand strike, all of the Pyramid Head’s attacks deal large amounts of damage. Unless you want to hit the dirt before those three minutes are up, I suggest avoiding him as much as possible. 

The cages around the arena can work both for and against you 

Considering you want to put as much distance as possible between you and the Pyramid Head, the cages scattered around the arena make for some good cover. The Pyramid Head will have to break the cages to get within striking distance, so use this time to either deal damage or run away. 

Inversely, you might find yourself getting caught on the cages when kiting the Pyramid Head. Getting stuck on the geography is the last thing you want to happen to you, so be sure to watch where you’re going, lest you find yourself in a dead end.  

Three minutes isn’t enough for the Pyramid Head to break all of the cages, but you should make a mental note of the more barren areas of the arena. Having nothing between you and the Pyramid Head means he can make a beeline straight for your malleable face. Make sure this doesn’t happen by leading him to parts of the arena where more cages can be found. 

The trade-off for the Pyramid Head’s slow movement is his high damage output. He won’t be able to keep up with you most of the time, but he’ll definitely let you know when you’ve slipped up. Be mindful of the distance between the both of you and soon enough you’ll hear a siren wailing in the distance, signifying the end of the encounter. Just be sure not to hit him as he is leaving, as he’ll take offense and retaliate! 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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