Marvel Rivals is chock-full of Easter eggs and references; some to canonical events in Marvel comics, movies, and general media, some not-so-canonical. Dracula owing Moon Knight money is an example of the latter, paying homage to a fan-edited panel from Solo Avengers #3.

Does Dracula really owe Moon Knight Money?
That depends on which version of Dracula you’re talking about. In canon Marvel lore, Dracula does not owe Moon Knight any money. The infamous panel of Moon Knight entering a castle comes from a 1988 issue of Solo Avengers #3. The panel was edited by a fan to humorous effect, using the castle backdrop as a guise for Dracula’s abode.

Marvel Rivals went to great lengths to make the Moon Knight meme canon
When it comes to Marvel Rivals, however, Dracula definitely owes Moon Knight money. Dracula’s debt was first hinted at in Moon Knight’s lore story, “The Dusk of The New Moon.” When asked by Khonshu about his opinion on vampires, Moon Knight replies “That they suck… And that Dracula owes me money.”
More references were included with the release of the new Empire of Eternal Night: Central Park map. If a Moon Knight is present, he will occasionally mutter things like “That bloodsuckin’ nerd owes me big.” and “Time for Dracula to pay up!”, both of which reference the same meme.
But the most obvious reference reveals itself when a defending team wins on the Empire of Eternal Night: Central Park map. With Dracula defeated, Moon Knight uses an ankh to magically retrieve the money owed to him. He then lifts the money victoriously, signaling the debt is paid.
NetEase Games didn’t have to go so far to canonize a fan meme, but it did so in a way that didn’t interfere with the main narrative of Dracula taking over New York City. While other Marvel heroes are busy fighting the creatures of the night, Moon Knight seems more preoccupied with collecting his debt. Considering Dracula’s age, the money owed must have gained a lot of interest.