As is the custom whenever a new playable character is launched in a fighting game, Japanese Street Fighter 6 players have taken to renaming themselves after guest character Terry Bogard and his iconic moves. While most of Terry’s English moves are inoffensive when translated to Japanese, some have discovered that typing the katakana “Triple Geyser” in the character name screen causes an invalid error.
Upon closer inspection, it is the “gey” in “geyser” that prompts the error, as it is this part of the word that gets highlighted in red. This is most likely because its spelling (“gei”) overlaps with the Japanese version of the word “gay.”
It follows naturally that all of Terry’s moves with the word “geyser” are prohibited from player names. This includes Power Geyser, Twin Geyser, and Triple Geyser – all three of which are in Street Fighter 6. Likewise, moves that aren’t in Street Fighter 6, such as Dunk Geyser, Heat Up Geyser, High Angle Geyser, Trinity Geyser, and Cosmic Strike Geyser, are prohibited as well.

Funnily enough, several people are looking for workarounds so they can use the word “geyser” in their names. One person suggests typing it out censored like “Power (*bleep*)ser,” while another proposes writing out just the “gey” part in alphabet. While many Street Fighter 6 players found the whole thing funny, others pointed out that banning the term “gay” is actually kind of offensive in itself. While Terry’s Geyser-based moves are banned in Street Fighter 6 names, perhaps players would consider using his other actions instead. “Burn Knuckle” is still available, and comes with a cool hand-raising animation as well!