Last week, Grasshopper Manufacture respectfully requested that fans refrain from entering its Tokyo studio unannounced. The request was made in conjunction with the announcement that the planned episode 49 of The Dev Room would be cancelled. The Dev Room is a video series on the Grasshopper Archives YouTube channel showing what it’s like inside the Grasshopper Manufacture studio.
According to Grasshopper Manufacture, the release of the planned episode could inadvertently cause more people to show up unannounced at the studio, which could lead to work disruptions. As happy and eager Grasshopper Manufacture is to accommodate its fans, it doesn’t want people who visit at a bad time to feel left out, which is why it is asking all of its fans to refrain from dropping by the studio.
While the planned episode won’t be released, there are episodes of The Dev Room that feature employees showing visitors around the studio premises. Various pieces of art, merchandise, and memorabilia from Grasshopper Manufacture games like Killer7, No More Heroes, and Lollipop Chainsaw fill the office spaces, and being in the presence of CEO and game designer Suda51 is enough to make any fan of the studio’s work giddy with joy.
On a related note, other famous Japanese game studios like Vanillaware and FromSoftware have also experienced unannounced visits from fans, and the practice is generally considered poor manners and a potential security risk for the studio. In addition, if the visitor speaks little or no Japanese, this creates an extra obstacle in communication, so it would be a good idea to ask for an appointment before planning any such visits in Japan.
Despite the sad news that Grasshopper Manufacturewon’t be accepting fan visits anytime soon, there is still hope for fans who are going to Tokyo. Upon reading a fan suggestion that the studio could host a few The Dev Room shows elsewhere and invite as many fans as possible, Grasshopper Manufacture responded that it would consider doing something similar in the future. The off-site shows can give employees ample time to prepare for visitors without disrupting their work responsibilities, and they can accommodate a ton of fans all at once.
These shows may take some time to plan, however, so until Grasshopper Manufacture officially announces them, fans can stay tuned to the upcoming episodes of The Dev Room.