Game music legend Nobuo Uematsu recently posted about his experience performing at an elementary school with his group conTiki. The Final Fantasy composer revealed that in addition to performing in theaters packed with fans, he also brings the charm of conTIKI’s recitals to kindergartens and elementary schools in Japan.
Uematsu’s band conTiki often recites simple stories accompanied by projected illustrations and Uematsu’s music, as well as lively songs that children can easily enjoy. Although they have also done arrangements of classic Final Fantasy themes like Eyes on Me and Suteki Da Ne at concerts, their new music is a fresh departure from Uematsu’s game compositions.
In a recent post on X (below), Uematsu talked about going to visit a local elementary school in Kitamoto, Saitama prefecture on January 22 to do a story recital. After nearly getting lost due to there being three schools with similar names, Uematsu and his band were rushed to the school in the principal’s car before performing a concert “watched by the sparkling eyes of over 100 children!” Afterwards, the band got to tuck into some school lunch and received packs of Kitamoto’s special tomato curry as a souvenir.
Nobuo Uematsu explains that conTIKI doesn’t just perform at concert halls but also visits kindergartens and elementary schools in Japan. He urges educators to reach out and contact them if they are interested in receiving a visit.
Nobuo Uematsu and conTIKI have also performed concerts in Europe, Australia and the USA over the past 2 years.
Last October, Uematsu announced that he would be composing less game music to “have more time to make the music I want to make,” revealing that FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is likely his final full soundtrack for a game.