Dragon Quest 3: Five-year-old gets real Mark of Erdrick for beating the game  

Heartwarming tale of children who beat Dragon Quest 3's true final boss Zoma being given real Mark of Erdrick gains praise on Japanese X.

Since its release last November, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has become a big hit for Square Enix. The remake also gives new generations an easy and accessible way to enjoy the classic 1988 RPG with modern QoL improvements. Heartwarming evidence of younger players enjoying the adventures of the hero of Aliahan was posted on X recently, when a parent shared the outcome of their children beating Dragon Quest III. 

Post translation: When the kids, who were playing Dragon Quest III, finally defeated Zoma today, I said “Congratulations, you are heroes too!” My 5-year-old daughter loves the Mark of Eldrick that I gave her and won’t stop polishing it. 

It seems that the original poster’s children were playing Dragon Quest III together and managed to beat the final boss Zoma and finish the game. As a reward, the parent praised the children for becoming heroes and presented them with their own Mark of Eldrick- an iconic item from the series, which serves as a Sacred Amulet in Dragon Quest III. Apparently, the poster’s 5-year-old daughter was particularly pleased with the real-life Mark of Eldrick and has been proudly polishing the gold crest ever since. 

Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D Remake

The response to the post on X was positive, with many users impressed with the children for managing to beat the game, while some wondered whether they will take on the post-game dungeon Temple of Trials and its bosses. 

Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii previously encouraged players who have completed the game to lend it to a friend or teach children how to play it. He would probably find this story rather heartwarming.  

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is out now on PC (Steam/Microsoft Store), Nintendo Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.   

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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