Classic robot arcade shooter Strania The Stella Machina to get enhanced Switch release 

G.rev's Strania -The Stella Machina- EX, the enhanced version of the nostalgic 2011 robot action shooter, is coming to Nintendo Switch on January 23.

Independent Japanese developer G.rev Ltd. has announced that it will be releasing Strania –The Stella Machina- EX for the Nintendo Switch on January 23. The game is an upgraded version of the original Strania –The Stella Machina-, which came out back in 2011 in arcades and on Xbox 360. 

Now coming to the Nintendo Switch, Strania –The Stella Machina- EX is the “extra” version of the nostalgic robot action shooter. Released in arcades in 2020, the EX version comes with numerous quality-of-life improvements and added content to make it the definitive edition of the robot blaster.  

Strania The Stella Machina EX Nintendo Switch release

First of all, Strania –The Stella Machina- EX features balance adjustments that make it easier for newcomers to get into the game. The player’s armaments have been buffed and other variables like enemy attacks have been adjusted accordingly. The original game’s three difficulty levels (Normal, Hard and Expert) have also been dialed down to make the game more accessible. Also, the game’s true ending can now be viewed by beating the game on Normal difficulty. 

Strania The Stella Machina EX Nintendo Switch release

At the same time, the EX version contains a brand-new challenge for Strania and shmup veterans- a new “Hell” difficulty mode which is significantly harder than the original game’s highest difficulty level.  

Strania The Stella Machina EX new Hell mode difficulty

Other bonuses in the Switch release of Strania –The Stella Machina- EX include the option to switch to a new arranged soundtrack by original composer Keishi Yonao, and the inclusion of the additional story “Side Vower,” which was initially released as a DLC for the Xbox 360 version. 

Strania –The Stella Machina- EX will be released for Nintendo Switch on January 23. 

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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