Palworld: build your Ranches like this to save up space 

This simple method of stacking Ranches in Palworld can help you save a lot of space while increasing you base's efficiency.

In Palworld, Ranches are an important structure that help you automatically farm various useful resources. However, as they take up quite a bit of space, they can complicate things in your base’s layout. One clever solution to this problem is to stack your Ranches by basically building them mid-air. 

Ranches are a tier 5 technology item in Palworld. They house up to four Pals and allow them to graze and drop basic resources such as Eggs, Wool, Milk and Gold Coins. If you want to advance past a certain point in the game, having multiple Ranches is basically a necessity, as they will automatically keep you stocked with resources while you’re out exploring and catching new Pals. 

While Ranches do tend to eat up space in your base due to their size, Palworld players are always devising ways to maximize efficiency while using minimal space. This simple technique shared by Japanese game strategy account @50413836perfect is a great way to double the number of Ranches you’re able to build in your base by stacking them. 

To build your mid-air Ranch, first build a set of stairs where you want the middle of your Ranch to be. Then, place Wooden Roof panels all around the stairs, making sure to destroy the panel blocking the stairs when you’re done. You should be left with 3×3 panels surrounding the end of the stairs in a donut formation. Then, build your Ranch on top and destroy the wooden structure. You should be left with a “levitating Ranch,” underneath which you can install another normal Ranch. 

Read more about clever creations and exploits that Palworld players have come up with, such as building Laputa-style castles in the sky and butchering Pals without killing them

Palworld is available in early access for the PC (Steam), Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.    

Amber V
Amber V

Editor-in-Chief since October 2023.

She grew up playing Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein with her dad, and is now enamored with obscure Japanese video games and internet culture. Currently devoted to growing Automaton West to the size of its Japanese sister-site, while making sure to keep news concise and developer stories deep and stimulating.

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