A fashion display, of all things, has been giving Dark Souls players flashbacks this week. It all began when a user on X drew attention to Japanese clothing chain Uniqlo’s unusual way of showcasing their new range of spring sweaters.
It seems the sight of all this swinging knitwear is taking players right back to the infamous pendulum axes found in Sen’s Fortress, an extremely difficult dark castle found in the first Dark Souls game. The player must time their slow walk along the narrow path just right to avoid becoming minced meat. In places where there’s not enough space to stop between the pendulums, it’s best to unequip armor so you can carefully light roll past. This seems to be the recommended strategy for swinging sweaters too.
Apparently, this display can be found inside the Uniqlo branch in Tokyo’s posh Ginza district. One poster recalled their first terrifying encounter.

Many posters recalled their arduous journey through Sen’s Fortress- the numerous traps, the reptilian guards and the boulder-throwing giants- all of which took a toll on their souls.

However, apparently not all Dark Souls players have harrowing memories of Sen’s Fortress. The sound of giant axes swinging across the narrow path can even be… relaxing? YouTube channel Ambient Solitude Game Worlds even released a relaxation video complete with comforting axe sounds.
Dark Souls Remastered is available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC.