Japanese indie developer and Hideo Kojima fan DameNingen Games revealed the Steam Store page for Re≒Connect on January 21. Already nicknamed “The Dirty Death Stranding,” the upcoming title has swiftly piqued the interest of users and is becoming highly anticipated.

Re≒Connect is a stealth 3D action game in which you play as a “dirty, balding old otaku” called Kimokimo (which translates literally to “Ew Ew”). Kimokimo sets out on a mission to retrieve his beloved pet cat and super rare anime girl figurine after they get stolen. As Kimokimo, you will traverse an expansive “multidimensional world,” which includes ancient ruins, a deep-sea world, The Pyramids, Japanese castles, dark caves, a fantasy word with dragons, futuristic sci-fi and horror worlds and more.

On your journey, you will cross paths with enemies, which seem to be quite varied – ranging from a giant tentacled “Shibuya Monster,” whose face is reminiscent of a certain 470-million-year-old fish, to cute anime girl bosses.
You will fight bosses using stealth and gun actions; and it seems Kimokimo will have a cool scanning system to scout his surroundings, reminiscent of a certain Terrain Scanner seen in a certain game. Re≒Connect’s Steam store page description also mentions a “wireless communication system” for communicating with other players, through which you can obtain “useless knowledge in various situations.”

It seems that aside from taking back Kimokimo’s precious possessions, you can also save the world “while you’re at it.”
The trailer video made public for Re≒Connect showcases some very polished-looking action and graphics, and @dameningen07go, the developer, has mentioned that they have created and introduced an incredibly novel game system in Re≒Connect. The system apparently boosts immersion and playing experience significantly.
Ever since it was revealed, Re≒Connect has been steadily garnering attention for its humorous content and promising gameplay, with people already predicting it will be a “神ゲー” (en: god-tier game).

Re≒Connect is currently in development and will release for the PC (Steam). The game will be available in 7 languages including English.