Japanese users rattled by results of “The top 100 most “pornified” media franchises” ranking 

The "top 100 most "pornified" media franchises ranking" has become a hot topic on Japanese social media as users react to Pokemon coming in first place.

A ranking of the most “pornified” media franchises of all time has recently gone viral on Japanese Twitter, with users expressing their shock at Pokémon not only being the “winner,” but having an astonishing lead over all other franchises. My Little Pony coming in second didn’t do much to ease peoples’ minds either. 

Tweet translation: “Top 100 most pornified media franchises” 
The world is far more messed up than we thought.

The post originates from the r/dataisbeautiful Reddit board, from Reddit user u/sugnimmingus, and it presents a ranking of media franchises based on the number of explicit posts that exist on aggregator sites Rule 34 and Sankaku. According to the creator, Rule 34 was taken to represent content coming from the west, while Sankaku Channel is more dominated by eastern content. 

Pokémon came in first in the ranking, with a staggering 494564 posts (Rule 34) and was followed by My Little Pony with 201108 posts (Rule 34). Touhou Project came in third place with 115901 posts on Sankaku Channel. These numbers tell of a mysteriously overpowering dominance Pokémon pornography has over any other franchise. 

A screenshot of the ranking showing the first 19 franchises on the list with the caption “The world is far more messed up than we thought” has been making the rounds on Japanese Twitter, as users express their astonishment as well as fear at the implications of the data. 

Users initially wondered if the pornographic content being made of Pokémon was of the human characters such as the trainers or gym leaders, but this train of thought was swiftly quashed by the “Top 100 most “pornified” fictional characters ranking”, also originating from r/dataisbeautfiul, which proves that it is indeed the Pokémon themselves becoming subjects of the pornographic posts. 

Tweet translation: Many of you are thinking “There’s trainers and gym leaders in Pokémon, so there must be a lot of that,” but this character ranking shows that Lucario and Gardevoir are overwhelmingly represented while human characters such as Misty finally rank in with less than half of their numbers.

The ranking indeed shows Pokémon such as Lucario and Gardevoir ranking incredibly high, while the human characters are nowhere to be seen at the top of the ranking. 

Tweet translation: Though it’s being dominated by Pokémon, the presence of My Little Pony is insane, it always makes it into rankings of this type

Aside from the fact that Pokémon make up 2 out 5 of the top “pornified” characters, it’s also interesting to note that within the top 10 characters, a total of six characters are non-human, with characters from My Little Pony and Sonic the Hedgehog being heavily represented in fan-made porn as well. This just goes to show how powerful furries worldwide have become. 

One must also make the comment that the concept of Pokémon and My Little Pony porn seems to be much more of a commonly known thing on the West, as anyone who has visited sites such as Tumblr or DeviantArt has likely come across the Pokémon breeding and pregnancy fetish art, fat Pokémon fetish art and similar. The disturbing story of a certain Rainbow Dash “jar” is also widely known enough to have its own KnowYourMeme page and fanart. The infamous “Vaporeon copypasta” also rose to prominence far outside of the furry community. 

Tweet translation: The furry forces are far more powerful than I had ever imagined.
Amber V
Amber V

Editor-in-Chief since October 2023.

She grew up playing Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein with her dad, and is now enamored with obscure Japanese video games and internet culture. Currently devoted to growing Automaton West to the size of its Japanese sister-site, while making sure to keep news concise and developer stories deep and stimulating.

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