Nijisanji VTuber apologizes for downloading pirated porn

VTuber group Nijisanji’s Lauren Iroas made an apology on March 2 regarding an incident that took place a few days ago. Iroas was accused of downloading pirated porn content after showing his PC desktop during a livestream, which contained folders with names identical to pirated porn videos.

Although there was no hard evidence that these folders are for pirated porn, Iroas admitted the unauthorized use of copyrighted work in today’s announcement, stating he shouldn’t have done it considering his position as someone who should respect all types of content and creators. He intends to apologize again during a livestream as well.

ANYCOLOR, the company behind Nijisanji, also made a statement confirming the VTuber’s misdeed, although the statement mentions that Iroas downloaded them before joining Nijisanji. Regardless, Iroas will refrain from his VTuber activities for a while to reflect on his misconduct.

Ichika Matsumoto, one of the pornstars featured in the pirated videos, replied to Iroas, saying, “Please buy the video at FANZA (a Japanese porn site) next time,” with a face with tears of joy emoji.

Lauren Iroas is a VTuber who belongs to a city defense force, so his misconduct is pretty out of character as well. He debuted in 2021 and has been active as an FPS player, mainly livestreaming games such as Apex Legends, Valorant, Escape from Tarkov, and Rainbow Six Siege.

Incidentally, there have been a number of incidents related to livestreamers and pro gamers as of late, with VTuber Uruha Rushia getting her contract terminated for contract violations and pro gamers Tanukana and Kbaton getting released from their team for inappropriate remarks.

.Ryuki Ishii
.Ryuki Ishii

Former JP AUTOMATON editor & former AUTOMATON WEST editor in chief (*until May 2023)

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