Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-11-06 09:00 (JST)
Translated by. Nick Mosier
On November 4, Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ free large-scale update (Ver2.0) was released. Riding with Kapp’n to remote islands and the new cooking feature are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wide variety of content this update brought to the game. The update also sees The Roost open for business.
The Roost is a café in Animal Crossing where you come for the coffee and stay for the conversation with other villagers. Among the patrons are even some familiar faces that we haven’t seen up to this point in New Horizons. From the unexpected animals to the unexpected conversations, The Roost has grabbed fan’s attention.
The following paragraphs contain spoilers regarding The Roost in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The Roost was just added to New Horizons with this recent update, but longtime fans should be familiar with the spot. The Roost first appeared in Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS and is run by the soft-spoken Brewster.
According to user reports, there are three requirements that need to be fulfilled for the café to open. Your island must be at 3 stars so K.K. Slider will visit. You need to have unlocked the second-floor art wing of the museum. And you need to have donated at least one sea item to the museum.
If you talk to Blathers after completing those three requirements, you’ll receive a request to search for Brewster. If all goes smoothly, the museum will be renovated, and The Roost will open within two days of receiving the request at the earliest.

Once the café is open to the public, Brewster will begin serving coffee to patrons. Brewster’s hot coffee seems pretty well liked since different villagers will randomly visit each day. It’s a bustling place for the public to gather coupled with a calm, relaxing atmosphere. But it’s not only those who were invited to the island that visit. The island’s shopkeepers and sellers also show up from time to time.
One example is Mabel stopping by early in the morning. She recalls a story where she and her sisters, Sable and Label, got coffee together just after the café opened. Ever since Label left on her trip to study fashion, the three of them haven’t been able to get together much, so Mabel enjoyed being able to chat again after so long.
Another example is Daisy Mae talking about how walking with a bowl of turnips on your head is actually quite difficult. She says if you don’t have a sense of balance, they’ll fall immediately. Incidentally, the young Daisy Mae can’t drink coffee yet, so Brewster serves her a shortbread that’s in the shape of his face.

But among these little stories is one that is especially likely to excite many fans of the series. The news of Mr. Resetti’s career change. That’s right; long time series favorite Mr. Resetti can be found at The Roost. Mr. Resetti is a mole that used to work at the Surveillance Center. Players of previous Animal Crossing titles will probably be familiar with the harsh but well-meaning lectures Mr. Resetti gives after players reset the game.
Up to this point, what we officially knew about Mr. Resetti’s current situation was that he lost his job because of the auto-save feature in New Horizons. Because of this, Mr. Resetti’s only appearance in New Horizons had been the seasonal, limited-time Mr. Resetti Figure item, and he didn’t appear in any public places.
However, if you use the Rescue Service app, judging by the distinct way the operator talks, it can be none other than Mr. Resetti. While it was never revealed officially, the consensus from fans was that he found a new job as a rescue service operator.

Mr. Resetti may have hit a rough patch, but he now appears at the island’s newly added relaxation destination. While sipping on a slightly bitter cup of joe, Mr. Resetti says, “I got my big brother watchin’ the shop while I’m here getting’ my daily dose of java.” In other words, the new update officially confirms that Mr. Resetti and his brother Don are both working as rescue service operators. After a year and a half since the game’s release, that lingering question has finally been put to rest.
Mr. Resetti says he’s working more behind the scenes now and doesn’t have to do any ranting and raving. But he also says he doesn’t get many chances to meet people now and seems a little sad about his current job situation. He also adds, “But now that I’m a little older, I get to thinkin’ …what if reset buttons are actually… good? Like, if you mess somethin’ up real bad… wouldn’t it be good to get a do-over? I mean… Life needs a reset button!” Mr. Resetti reflects on his old job and delivers an impassioned speech just as hot as the coffee he’s drinking.
Don Resetti can also be seen at The Roost. It sounds like he switches shifts with his brother and stops by for a break. He’ll also sometimes get some coffee to take back and drink with his brother and gives some insight into how they go about working at their new jobs.

The Roost contains all sorts of little stories that can only be enjoyed there. It seems that all the animals, including Mr. Resetti, are chosen at random to be at the café depending on the date and time. If you don’t want to miss chatting with a certain animal, it’s probably best to visit the café every day.
It’s also possible to call characters to the café with amiibo. You can even call some old friends like Digby, Copper, and Porter. There’s sure to be more great conversations waiting to be had at The Roost besides what was mentioned here, so grab a coffee and reminisce about the good old days with the other residents.