BBQ Simulator: The Squad announced for Steam

Publication date of the original Japanese article: 2021-09-14 19:26 (JST)
Translated by. Ryuki Ishii
On September 14, Turkish developer CubeCube Sports announced their new game BBQ Simulator: The Squad. The game will be available for PC (via Steam) and according to the Steam store page, it will come out “very soon.”

BBQ Simulator: The Squad is a BBQ sim with multiplayer support for up to 8 players. Your friends have come to your garden for a BBQ and they are starving. You must feed your friends and yourself before passing out from hunger. Everything from the preparation of the grill to the selection of ingredients and the actual grilling is in the hands of the player. Work together to cook up enough food for all. You can cook indoors using a microwave oven as well, but you must make sure it works properly and doesn’t explode.
Hunger is not the only obstacle to a good barbecue, there are also hostile flies flying around in the garden trying to steal your meat, and weather conditions such as rain and snow need to be taken into consideration. Barbecue is a serious business; you shouldn’t take it lightly. The game can be played solo or in co-op, and if you’re playing co-op, helping each other would likely make things easier.
You can customize your avatar in various ways. There are male and female avatars that can be further customized including the facial details. There are several side activities available in the garden such as soccer and lawn mowing. If you want to be the type of person who just wants to hang out and do none of the actual work, well, you can do that too.
The game includes multiple barbecue scenarios to meet the needs of a wide range of BBQ enthusiasts including those who prefer a “relaxing barbecue experience.” As opposed to a chaotic, “desperately trying to stave off hunger” kind of barbecue. The choice is yours to make.

The developer CubeCube Sports, is based in Istanbul, Turkey. The studio has previously released Camping Simulator: The Squad on Steam, which has a similar graphic style as BBQ Simulator: The Squad.
Camping Simulator: The Squad is currently in Steam Early Access, and it has received over 300 user reviews with 82% of them being positive. There are some mentions of bugs and complaints about lack of content, so it is a bit worrying that the studio is already announcing a new game, even though Camping Simulator: The Squad has not come out of Early Access yet.

BBQ Simulator: The Squad will be available on Steam soon.