Elin update lets you force all NPCs to wear panties with new ordinance 

The latest update to Elin, the prequel to hit sandbox RPG Elona, introduces an ordinance that lets you make all NPCs in a base wear panties.

Japanese indie developer LaFrontier has been consistently updating the Early Access version of sandbox RPG Elin (playable on Steam). The latest Elin update (EA23.67) adds various stability fixes and tweaks, but perhaps best of all, it lets you enact an ordinance that makes all NPCs in a base wear cute frilly panties, regardless of gender.  

In Elin, the official prequel to indie hit Elona, you can wander the world doing whatever you want- exploring dungeons, building bases, forming relationships, crafting, cooking, stealing or even farming Stardew Valley style. Most of these activities strengthen your abilities, forming your character into the person you want them to be. On the flip side, Elin thrives on chaos and your actions often have hilarious and extremely dramatic consequences. Become a lute-playing bard but then get killed by a rock thrown by a character who didn’t appreciate your musical talents? Check. Unwittingly stumble across cannibals? Check. Use panties as a boomerang? Also possible and encouraged. 

Elona prequel Elina update panties ordinance

The latest EA23.67 update adds a panty-wearing ordinance. This means that you can force all NPCs in your base to wear knickers- this includes named male NPCs. The ordinance can be purchased from Nola, the acting mayor of Palmia. 

Panties are not just mere underwear in this game though. Panties are an item that can be used as a boomerang-style weapon (which does additional mind damage), played as a light-weight musical instrument and can even increase tourism value (don’t ask…). With the latest update, panties can now appear as in-game raffle prizes, so if you are lucky, you might win the underwear of your favorite NPC. 

For now, the panties specific to named NPCs seem to have the same strength as regular panties when used as weapons or musical instruments, but this may change with future updates. According to the patch notes, there is a plan to add cute, patterned panties to the game- so it seems that Elin will be getting more underwear-related changes soon. 

Elin is out in Early Access on PC (Steam). A free demo is also available.

Verity Townsend
Verity Townsend

Automaton West Editor and translator. She has a soft spot for old-school Sierra adventure games and Final Fantasy VIII (yes, 8!). Can often be found hunting down weird forgotten games and finding out everything about them. Frequently muses about characters and lines from Metal Gear Solid and Disco Elysium. Aims to keep Automaton fresh and interesting with a wide variety of articles.

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