Deltarune gets additional age rating warning due to Undertale purchase link 

Toby Fox has revealed that Deltarune has been given a new age rating warning due to the game linking to the purchase page for Undertale.

Instead of updating fans on the state of Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4 as he normally does, Toby Fox’s latest Bluesky post reveals that the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) changed the Deltarune Chapter 1&2 demo to include the “In-Game Puchases” rating tag. While this doesn’t affect Deltarune’s overall rating, it can make parents more cautious before installing the game for their kids. 

Apparently, IARC recently decided to update the rating of the DELTARUNE Chapter 1&2 demo to include ‘In-Game Purchases’ because it links to UNDERTALE’s store page at the start….There are no plans for in-game purchases in the full game.

tobyfox ( 2025-03-24T12:49:19.547Z

According to Fox, Deltarune received the “In-Game Purchases” tag because its introduction features a link to the Undertale store page (something that has been in the game for a while). Though the Deltarune Chapter 1&2 demo is a free title, Undertale is not (it has been on a deep sale, however). As such, the IARC thought it wise to issue a warning about players being asked if they want to buy Undertale when they open Deltarune. 

To be clear, Fox has stated there are no plans for in-game purchases in the full version of Deltarune. While he might release the game’s full soundtrack as a separate purchase (as he did with Undertale), Fox seems satisfied with making Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4 paid content for now.  

Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4 are set to be released sometime in 2025. 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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