Hot on the heels of the last quests, Monster Hunter Wilds just released three new Event Quests that reward players with important and unique items. The Ballet in the Rain, Sand-Scarred Soul, and Like a Fire Hidden by Sand quests can be accessed by talking to Alma or going to your Tent in any Base Camp or Pop-up Camp and choosing ‘Post/Join Quest’ followed by ‘Event Quests’.
Ballet in the Rain has you hunting a Lala Barina for ‘Glowing Orb – Swords’ decorations

As the only event quest with a Hunter Rank (HR) 21 minimum requirement, Ballet in the Rain has you hunting a Tempered Lala Barina in the Scarlet Forest. The florets that this Lala Barina releases can easily stun you if you get too close to them, so it is best to approach the monster from the back or side when possible. The Tempered Lala Barina is weak against Fire elemental attacks and is most susceptible to Stun. It can also be inflicted with Poison, Sleep, Blastblight, Exhaust, and Paralysis (to a lesser extent).

Defeating the Tempered Lala Barina awards you with ‘Glowing Orb – Swords’ that are immediately appraised into Decorations. These Decorations can be slotted into weapons to increase their abilities or infuse new ones. The Ballet in the Rain Event Quest is available until March 25 at 11:59 pm UTC.
Tame the Sand-Scarred Soul of a Doshaguma for ‘Glowing Orb – Armors’ decorations

Taking things down a notch, the Sand-Scarred Soul Event Quest will pit you against a normal, straightforward Doshaguma in the Windward Plains. This is an HR 9 minimum requirement quest where you don’t have to worry as much about status afflictions apart from Blastblight, so you are free to tackle the Doshaguma as you see fit. The Doshaguma is weak against Fire and Thunder attacks and is susceptible to Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Blastblight, Stun, and Exhaust.

Completing the quest will award you with ‘Glowing Orb – Armors’, Decorations that can be slotted into armors to increase or infuse abilities. Like the Ballet in the Rain quest, the Sand-Scarred Soul Event Quest runs until March 25 at 11:59 pm UTC.
Brave the fire and poison of a Rathian to craft the Expedition Headgear α (Alpha)

Finishing the trio of new Event Quests is Like a Fire Hidden by Sand, which has you returning to the Windward Plains to hunt a Rathian. This HR 9 minimum requirement quest has you dodging a Rathian’s fire blasts and poisonous tail on top of its damaging physical attacks. Thankfully, the Rathian is weak against Thunder and Dragon attacks and is susceptible to Sleep, Paralysis, Blastblight, Stun, and Exhaust (Poison is on the lower end of its weaknesses).

Fell this fearsome flying foe to unlock the items needed to craft the unique ‘Expedition Headgear α’ headgear. While not as useful as some of the other endgame armors, crafting the ‘Expedition Headgear α’ also allows you to transmog your stronger pieces to look like it. The Like a Fire Hidden by Sand quest runs until April 1 at 11:59 pm UTC.
Monster Hunter Wilds is out now on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam). Capcom regularly updates the Monster Hunter Wilds Event Quest Schedule with the current and upcoming quests, so consider checking it regularly if you want to be kept in the loop.