Monster Hunter Wilds: How to transmog hunter and Palico armor 

Guide on how to unlock layered armor and transmog hunter and Palico armor in Monster Hunter Wilds.

As with many games that have customizable or craftable apparel, Monster Hunter Wilds has a transmog system that allows you to change the appearance of your hunter’s and Palico’s outfits while retaining their unique traits. You have to either spend money or craft specific layered armors, but once you’ve unlocked them, you will be free to dress up your hunter and Palico to your liking. 

Monster Hunter Wilds armor unlocking

How to unlock layered armors 

Layered armor is the catch-all term for you and your Palico’s clothes and armor appearance. Some layered armor pieces can be bought with real money (such as the Feudal Soldier layered armor set), while others can be crafted like normal armor pieces. 

To unlock craftable layered armor pieces, you must first unlock High Rank mode by finishing chapter 3 of the main story. Once you’ve gathered the necessary ingredients, you can make High Rank armors by talking to Gemma at the Smithy. Crafting a High Rank armor piece also unlocks the layered armor for that specific piece, which you can use to customize your appearance. 

Monster Hunter Wilds transmog armor menu

Monster Hunter Wilds has a lot of transmog options 

Changing layered armor pieces is as easy as going to your Tent in any of your Base Camps or Pop-up Camps. Go to the “Appearance Menu” and select either “Equipment Appearance” or “Palico Equipment Appearance”. This will open tabs for each of your layered armor pieces as well as your hunter’s underclothes and pendants. 

Monster Hunter Wilds transmog armor extra features

You are free to change the appearance of each of these elements and adjust their visibility using the Display Model slider (you cannot have a completely naked hunter, however). Clicking any of the Pigment boxes on the side of a cosmetic piece will open up an extensive color selection which you can use to further customize your hunter and Palico. 

While the Palico has fewer options when it comes to the number of customizable layered armor pieces (you can only change its helmet and body armor), you can hide all of its clothing to reveal the loveable Felyne underneath. Remember to save your changes before leaving the Tent, as all that hard work could go to waste! 

Monster Hunter Wilds Palico armor options

If you’re looking to further personalize your Monster Hunter Wilds experience, consider checking out our guides for creating item loadouts, adjusting your field of view, and tightening those clunky default Seikret controls

Monster Hunter Wilds is out now on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam).   

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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