Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret guide: How to switch to more precise controls 

How to switch to more precise controls for Seikret in Monster Hunter Wilds to prevent your bird from sending you down a ledge.

The default Seikret controls in Monster Hunter Wilds are not ideal. One minute you’re trying to pick up an item close to you while on your trusty bird, the next you and your Seikret are falling off a nearby ledge. Here are some settings you might want to change to get a better grasp on your fine feathered friend: 

Turn off Auto-Explore 

From the Start menu, open “Options” and go to the third page of the “Game Settings” tab. It is here where you’ll find “Seikret Auto-Explore,” which automatically sets your Seikret to wander the map even when you haven’t placed a waypoint. Turning this option off cuts down some of the Seikret’s autopilot settings, but not all of them. 

Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret controls menu

For precise movements, switch over to Type 2 Seikret Manual Controls 

To get to the heart of your Seikret control issues, you’ll want to open the Start menu, choose “Options” again, and go to the second page of the “Controls” tab. It is here where you’ll find “Seikret Manual Controls,” which is set to “Type 1” by default. 

The “Type 1” controls function similarly to Auto-move controls, whereby the accelerate input increases your Seikret’s speed, pressing the brake input slows it down, and holding the brake input stops itcompletely. It is important to know that pressing nothing while on “Type 1” controls retains your current speed (which is why your Seikret never seems to stop). 

Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret controls menu

To make your Seikret more responsive to your inputs, you’ll want to switch over to “Type 2” controls. “Type 2” works similarly to how you control your hunter on foot, in that your Seikret will only move when you’re pressing any of the directional inputs. The accelerate and brake inputs still work as they did in “Type 1,” but pressing nothing will cause your Seikret to come to a halt. 

Auto-move can still be turned on at any time by setting a waypoint and pressing the associated input on your system. Switching to Manual Movement mode is done similarly with its own input, only without the need to set a waypoint.  

Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret controls menu

The second page of the “Controls” tab is where you’ll find a handy list of options for adjusting your Seikret controls. You can manually set which inputs are needed to call your Seikret with “Call Seikret Controls.” Likewise, you can choose what movement mode your Seikret will be in when you call them using a Radial menu shortcut with “Call Seikret Controls (Radial Menu).” While you could spend hours fiddling with Monster Hunter Wilds’ available options, switching your manual control type to “Type 2” should do a sufficient job of keeping your Seikret from spazzing out. 

Monster Hunter Wilds is out now on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam).  

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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