Apex Legends: Things you should know when playing Alter 

Alter's abilities have unlimited potential - keep these useful tips in mind when playing Apex Legends to level up your game.

As with all of Apex Legends’ playable characters, it is going to take some time to get used to the new legend Alter. Alter’s abilities are quite complex, and while anyone can use her, it is only through practice that players can unlock her full potential. That said, here are some important tips to keep in mind when playing the new void breacher: 

Apex Legends: Alter's Gift from the RIft

1. Always be active when using Alter’s passive 

While Gift From the Rift can only be used once per death box, the fact that it doesn’t have a cooldown means players should abuse it as much as possible. Stealing important items from a distance can help turn the tide for a squad, especially one with a generous Alter teammate. Dropping stolen shield batteries, red rarity weapons, and survival items and leaving them for allies to pick up not only bolsters your squad’s available resources, but also prevents others from using them against you. 

Apart from securing loot, Gift From the Rift highlights death boxes, giving Alter players important information regarding past and ongoing battles. Enemies could be looting nearby death boxes – making them easy targets. Counting the death boxes can also provide critical information about remaining enemy numbers. With enough knowledge of Apex Legends, players can decipher a lot of information just from knowing where and how many death boxes are nearby. 

Apex Legends: Alter's Void Passage

2. Alter’s tactical is all about map knowledge 

Speaking of game knowledge, Alter’s Void Passage tactical ability is the physical manifestation of the term, as it creates opportunities that no other legend can. Being able to make a two-way passage through vertical and horizontal surfaces can be game-changing provided players know Apex Legends’ maps. It can be used in multiple scenarios, such as infiltrating areas that are fortified by controller legends like Wattson and Catalyst, chasing down fleeing foes, or escaping when things start looking bad. The applications of Void Passage are almost unlimited, and the more time you spend playing Alter, the more possibilities you will discover.  

Apex Legends: Alter's Void Passage

3. Void Passage has some rules to follow 

Apex Legends’ players should take care to remember a few things when using Void Passage. Firstly, Void Passage can only be placed on surfaces with a depth of 20 meters or less. Secondly, enemies can use Alter’s Void Passage to chase her and her teammates down. Thirdly, players get a brief period of invincibility and inaction (though they can still move) after exiting the Void Passage. 

While the first point is relatively easy to remember (depth information is provided when using the ability), the second and third points can be used in conjunction with each other. When Alter players expect to be followed by an enemy, they can set a trap on the other end of the Void Passage. This could be a grenade, a controller teammate’s traps, or simply lying in wait to ambush them. Unsuspecting enemies won’t have time to go back through the Void Passage before being knocked down. 

The temporary invincibility that Void Passage provides can also be used to one’s advantage. After using the ability, players can and should make a beeline for any advantageous spots – usually in the form of cover. This way, they can ready their weapons and retaliate against any opponents on the other side. Alter’s “Seeing with Portals” upgrade makes this tactic more potent as players can see enemy health bars after exiting her Void Passage. 

Apex Legends: Alter's using Void Passage

4. Not using Void Passage is a valid tactic 

Void Passage is not without its weaknesses. Apart from the vulnerable state players end up in after exiting the Void Passage, the ability itself can easily be seen and makes a loud sound whenever someone uses it. This makes it important for players to time their Void Passage uses – either by using it immediately upon deployment or at a random time. 

Another useful tactic is not using the deployed Void Passage at all. The presence of a Void Passage means there is a path that enemies need to be mindful of. This can create confusion when someone does and does not use it. Being unpredictable with the ability can allow players to bait enemies to look one way while they approach from another side. 

Apex Legends: Alter's Void Nexus

5. Void Nexus should be used before doing something risky 

Just like Revenant’s old Death Totem ability, Alter’s Void Nexus ultimate creates a fallback point for her and her squad. This makes it an ideal ability to set up before dangerous moves, such as getting into multiple squad fights, jumping off high ground, or looting exposed death boxes. Even if a teammate gets knocked down, they can interact with the Void Nexus and regroup with their squad (which all players need to keep in mind). 

Considering its initial 3.5-minute duration can be extended indefinitely with Alter’s “Unending Nexus” upgrade, Void Nexus is one of the strongest ultimate abilities in Apex Legends. Having to look in the ability’s general direction and waiting for it to activate may feel clunky, but getting what is essentially a Get Out of Jail Free card is worth it. 

Alter has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling, making her one of the game’s most difficult characters to learn. Using these tips in conjunction with playing the legend can alleviate her learning curve and make for some powerful plays. 

Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor
Carlos "Zoto" Zotomayor

Automaton West writer. Zoto has been playing video games for 30+ years now but has only recently come to grips with PC gaming. When he isn't playing video games, he watches romance anime and gets mad when his best girl never wins.

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