AUTOMATON WEST(英語版AUTOMATON)ライター/編集スタッフ募集(日本で働きたい人)

ゲーム情報サイトAUTOMATON WEST(英語版AUTOMATON)のライター/編集スタッフを募集中です。

※ English text below

ゲーム情報サイトAUTOMATON WEST(英語版AUTOMATON)のライター/編集スタッフを募集中です。

AUTOMATON WEST(英語版AUTOMATON)は、日本の大阪に拠点を置く株式会社アクティブゲーミングメディアが運営している、ゲームやアニメを含む日本カルチャーに関する情報サイトです。AUTOMATONは日本発のサイトであり、情報や背景を掘り下げるゲームサイトとして、読者の支えのおかげで大きく成長しました。

AUTOMATON WESTは、AUTOMATONのDNAを引き継ぎつつ、日本のゲームやアニメなどの情報とその背景を、深く発信するサイトとして立ち上げられました。まだまだ試行錯誤中ではありますが、一定の手応えを感じています。ここからAUTOMATON WESTのコアを一緒に作っていけるスタッフを募集しています。



ゲームやアニメを含む日本文化が好きで、そうした情報を日本で、英語で発信したい、AUTOMATON WESTと一緒に成長したいという方をお待ちしています。





またAUTOMATON WESTの目標として、英語コミュニティの人が拾うのが難しい日本のトピックを伝えることを掲げています。以下がその例となるニュースです。







勤務地は株式会社アクティブゲーミングメディア 大阪オフィス(大阪市西区靱本町1-12-6 マツモト産業ビル7F)。



① 以下の情報を含む履歴書とともに、メールにてご応募ください。




② 書類選考を通過した方に、第二次審査を行います。編集スタッフ応募者の第二次審査は、テスト記事作成となります。いずれも原稿料は発生しませんので予めご了承ください。


③ テストの結果を受けて、WEB面接を実施(1~2回)。面接は日本語と英語の両方を使っておこないます。


We are currently accepting applications for the position of writer/editor for the Japanese video game news site AUTOMATON WEST. We are looking for a candidate interested in working in Japan.


AUTOMATON WEST is a site that focuses on content related to Japanese pop culture, including video games and anime. The site is operated by Active Gaming Media, Inc. based in Osaka, Japan. AUTOMATON WEST is the English counterpart of AUTOMATON, the Japan-based site that has grown significantly thanks to the support of its readers.

AUTOMATON WEST was launched with the idea of inheriting the DNA of AUTOMATON as a website with the goal of providing in-depth information on Japanese games and anime. The site is still in the process of trial and error but has been receiving a healthy level of response from readers. We are looking for staff who can get involved in building the foundations and growing AUTOMATON WEST with us.

The main duties of the editing staff include pursuing content for news items and writing news articles in English, as well as reading and correcting/editing manuscripts. Overseas applicants are eligible to apply, but the availability to eventually relocate to Japan is preferred. In this case, we will provide support for obtaining a work visa.

We are looking for a native or native-level English speaker who is able to write quickly and with ease. Being able to read and understand articles in Japanese is also desirable.

An individual who loves Japanese culture, games and anime and wants to write and share information about it to the English-speaking world is desirable.

What kind of candidate are we looking for?

Proofreading/editing skills 

Are another writer’s translations in an article correct? Is their grammar correct? Is the information in the article correct? Would the headline of the article appeal to English-speaking readers? Making sure of such points is one of the responsibilities of an editor. The editor should also be conscious of checking not only the article itself but the sources of information as well. Discerning what information should be included or left out, what kind of phrasing will be understandable to English-speakers and similar considerations are expected from the editor.

Ability to search for article content

Our site mainly handles game- and entertainment-related content that originates in Japan. We do not make it our goal to post simple articles about new releases or release dates as such breaking news is already covered by many other websites. Rather than that, we pursue reactions and insight from industry professionals and online communities and follow viral topics in the community. Thus, the responsibility of an editor includes keeping an eye on happenings within the industry and community and creating articles based on them.

Below linked are examples of articles that report on relevant trends/events in the online community:

Another goal of AUTOMATON WEST is to search for and utilize Japanese sources to create content for the English-speaking community. In this way, readers can access information otherwise unavailable due to the language barrier. Below linked is an example of such an article:

A person who loves video games and anime

As having knowledge of the video games handled in articles contributes to ease of writing, it is preferred that the candidate plays video games regularly and stays updated with the latest industry trends. A candidate that has a wide range of interests is preferable as this allows better understanding of what kind of content will pique the interest of readers. The same applies to anime as well.

Cooperation with other staff

As a part of operating the AUTOMATON WEST website, it is also necessary to work closely with AUTOMATON’s Japanese-speaking staff as well. Daily interactions and intra-departmental meetings will require a certain amount of verbal communication in Japanese. Occasionally, you may be involved in the work of the Japanese site (writing articles, proofreading, translation support, etc.).

Form of employment

Position: Editor

The initial form of employment will be contract work, with the possibility of full-time employment in the future based on the candidate’s performance and wishes. 

Location: The candidate may initially work from overseas/remotely and relocate to Japan when confident in continuing the work relation.

Salary will be negotiated on an individual basis based on ability and experience, with the standard ranging from 230,000 to 300,000 JPY/month. (If working in Japan)

Due to the nature of news site management, it tends to be difficult to predict when work will come up. Therefore, work hours are not fixed but flexible. The standard workdays are Monday through Friday, which can be adjusted based on the individual’s preference.

Location: The Osaka office of Active Gaming Media, Inc. (Matsumoto Sangyo Bldg. 7th floor, 1-12-6 Utsubohonmachi, Nishi ward, Osaka City). 

Remote and Hybrid work is also possible.

Other benefits:

  • Holidays: Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year’s holidays 
  • Paid leave provided as required by law
  • Summer vacation available (subject to change) 
  • Celebration or condolence leave available
  • Transportation expenses: Fully paid (up to the cost of one month’s commuter pass) 
  • Social insurance provided 
  • VISA support: Support is available for new Visa applications, applications for change of status of residence and applications for extension of period of stay. 

How to apply/Selection Process:

  1. Please send a resume that includes the information listed below via email.
    Email address for applications: [email protected]
    Subject of email: 英語版AUTOMATONスタッフ応募(編集)

    Information required in resume:
    Full name
    Email address

    Motivation for applying
    Brief introduction of yourself and what makes you the right candidate
    Japanese proficiency
    Work history

    If you have any samples to demonstrate your language skills such as blog posts etc. please include them.
  2. Candidates who pass the document screening from step 1. will proceed to the second step of the selection process which consists of writing a test article. Please note that no manuscript fee will be paid for the test article. Results of the first screening will be communicated only to candidates who pass.
  3. Based on test results, we will conduct an online interview (one or two). The interview will be conducted in both English and Japanese.

記事本文: 919